For many people, the condition is simply a cosmetic concern while for others varicose veins include symptoms like swelling, discomfort and aching.
What Causes Varicose Veins? Doctors believe that damaged or weak valves may cause varicose veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of the body and the veins send it back to your heart for recirculation. The veins of your lower body need to work against gravity in order to return the blood to your heart. Muscle contractions in the extremities act as pumps while the elastic vein walls send blood back to the heart. Small valves open in your veins as blood flows to your heart, and then close again to prevent the blood from flowing back. If these valves become damaged or weak, blood may flow back and accumulate in the veins, causing it to twist or stretch.
Symptoms of Varicose Veins You may experience the following signs if you have varicose veins Discoloration of the veins usually they appear blue or dark purple Legs feel heavy Itching around the affected veins Muscle cramps A throbbing, burning sensation Swelling and bruising Discomfort and pain the veins of the legs
The symptoms of varicose veins are quite prominent and require treatment. If the condition is not that severe, exercises and compression stockings may be prescribed to manage the symptoms. However, if you are looking for a long-term cure, laser treatment may be the best option for you.
Can Laser Treatment Cure Varicose Veins? Your doctor may use highly focused laser beams to treat varicose veins. The laser emits heat, which forms scar tissues. The scar tissue closes the vein so it loses its source of blood and eventually dies. In a year or two, the vein is likely to disappear.
Here are the different types of laser treatment you can opt for Simple Laser Treatment The laser beams are focused on the outer surface of the skin. It helps cure the tiny veins that are located just beneath the skin. Normally, more than one session of laser treatment is required. Your doctor may schedule you for a session every 6-12 weeks.
Endovenous Laser Treatment This type of laser treatment is directed towards treating larger varicose veins that appear in the legs. The doctor passes a laser fiber through a catheter (a long, thin tube) into the veins. While doing this, he/she keeps a close watch on the veins through a duplex ultrasound screen.
Laser treatment is less painful than other procedures like vein stripping and ligation. The entire procedure can be done while you are on local anesthesia or sedatives. Moreover, the time for recovery is relatively short. You can expect to get back to your routine activities in a week or two following laser treatment.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Tarwinder Singh Nagpal","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Hello, I would like to ask you for advice or personal experience. 14 months ago I have undergone foam sclerotherapy and still have very painful lumps in my lower legs. To be more precise not only lumps are painful, only those which are in the lowest part of my legs and which are present I the veins which may be according to my opinion only partly closed (these veins are partially compressible and partly hard to feel). Since there is still intense pain and to certain extend redness a well I am sure there is still inflammation along these lumpy veins. The pain escalates after a period of sitting or standing as my legs swell due to chronic venous insufficiency. I found that cycling and swimming or when my legs are up relieves me from pain. In this respect, I believe this is because it promotes blood circulation and therefore washes away toxic substances from the inflammation around these lumpy veins. I have already visited several vein specialists and the doctor who performed the treatment as well, but most of them according to the duplex ultrasound only said that do not see anything unusual, just a normal post sclerotherapy picture. None of them was able to explain to me why there is still such intense pain along these lumpy veins. I would be very grateful for any idea which helps me to understand, why these lumpy veins are still so painful and when it settles down. Eventually, if there is something which could help me. Based on my personal experience, I would not undergo sclerotherapy anymore because it gave rise to a terrible long term pain lasting up to date almost 1,5 years.","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Thank you for connecting with me, I will be happy to address your concern\nhowever, as with any procedure, it does carry some risk and may cause side effects. It sounds as if the vein has become clotted as a result of the foam sclerotherapy. This can happen and is a normal reaction to foam in a varicose vein.\nLet's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in detail and suggest a proper treatment plan for you.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Prakhar Singh","medicalSpecialty":"General Physician","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Good evening doctor, I am from uganda, age 29 but m developing green veins and red spider vein since I started using my bleaching lotion, how can I make them disappear for good.","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Whatever nutrients or toxins these bleaching lotion contains, these toxins actually hampers the glow of your skin. These toxins even cause blemishes, discoloration, redness, breakouts in skin.\nMassage with herbal oils like manjishtha-chandandanadi tailam (you can contact for the oil)\nit shows visible results within few days. Oil with the infusion of these herbs has the property of rejuvenation of new skin cells.\nApply chandan lodhradi face pack which contains herbs like manjishtha, khadir, chandan, neem etc, to nourish and to give a natural glow to your face. U can contact through consultation for this face pack.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Pahun","medicalSpecialty":"Sexologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"I have left side varicocele and suffering with asthenospermia. Suggest me treatment so that it can be cured before marriage.","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Hello-\nvaricocele can be completely cured by the help of ayurveda. Male infertility and varicocele (also known as pampiniform plexus) has been a painful factor for men and majority of men undergoes different battles when diagnose with varicocele disorder. Previously varicocele have been causing serious disappointment for men at their ability to enjoy fatherhood, while other men went through terrible disturbing pains, discomfort and unable to enjoy sexual fulfilment. However, the good news is that there is all natural ways to clear varicocele without surgery or risky chemical drugs with the help of safe and effective ayurvedic medicines.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rahul Gupta","medicalSpecialty":"Sexologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Varicose Veins - How To Avert Them?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Varicose Veins is a condition in which an individual s veins become swollen and warped or twisted, which is visible on the skin. This condition most often is prevalent in the legs but can occur in any part of the body. Varicose Veins is a common medical condition with a few symptoms and signs. It affects the skin tone and texture for which some people undergo a treatment.
These symptoms might not affect the person seriously, but they can get severe depending upon different conditions. Usually, Varicose Veins does not require medical treatment, but if it gets severe, then one needs to see the doctor or undergo surgery, which happens rarely. This condition can be easily diagnosed through physical examinations, but one might need to undergo some medical tests depending upon the severity of the condition.
Problems Related to Varicose Veins:
Some of the most common problems related to Varicose Veins are:
Telangiectasias: In this condition, blood vessels form a cluster, mostly on the upper body and face. They appear red and can be caused by many reasons such as genetic disarray, liver problems, pregnancy, or viral diseases. Although this is not something to worry about, one should consult the doctor if other symptoms accompany it too.
Spider Veins: This condition of Spider Veins is concerned with the smallest blood vessels called Capillaries. They are called spider veins because they develop mostly on legs and face and appear like a spider web. They are a moderate form of telangiectasias and hence does not really need medical treatment.
Varicoceles: Varicoceles appears in the scrotum region of the male body or over the testicle skin. This condition might result in infertility in males. A doctor should be immediately consulted if such a condition is seen.
The Varicose Veins is not a serious medical problem unless the patient is going through severe pain and significantly manifested symptoms. There are many symptoms to identify the condition.
A visible cluster of blue or purple looking veins.
Frequent leg cramps.
Shrinking of the skin of the ankle as a result of Lipodermatosclerosis (hardening of fat under the ankle skin).
Veins become tumefy or swollen and warped or twisted.
Ankles become swollen.
Throbbing legs.
Blood clots.
An unusual amount of bleeding in the affected part with a small injury.
Restless leg syndrome.
Scars like white, irregular patches on the ankle (Atrophie Blanche).
Redness, itchiness, and dryness on the affected area (stasis dermatitis or venous eczema).
Skin Discoloration.
Skin ulcers.
There are some precautions that one can take to relieve the pain caused by Varicose Veins.
Avoid standing for a longer period of time.
Maintain a healthy and balanced weight.
Sitting with legs straight and uncrossed.
Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes.
Elevating legs while relaxing.
Take away:
Varicose Veins is a condition in which blood vessels get clustered in a part of the body under the skin. The veins appear blue or purple and become swollen and twisted. This condition is often not a serious medical problem, but in some cases, it might need surgery to avoid any serious issue. This can be treated by precautions and medications, but one can undergo surgery to get rid of the texture and view of the clustered veins. The recovery of Varicose Veins is quicker.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Puneet Gupta","medicalSpecialty":"General Surgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Hi, I was hospitalized due to infection. They have placed intravenous cannula on my back of my arm in my veins. Now its been 15 days and I am still having pain in that vein. I have applied volini also but that does not work. Please suggest what to do?","answerCount":4,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Apply thrombophob gel twice daily for 2-3 days apart from this you need to take homeopathic medication to resolve.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Deepak","medicalSpecialty":"Homeopathy Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Laser Treatment For Varicose Veins!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Varicose veins are superficial, swollen, enlarged and twisting veins, often appearing dark purple or blue on the feet and legs. The condition occurs when blood through the veins flow in the wrong direction and starts accumulating.
Although varicose veins is not a serious condition, you should seek treatment if it causes symptoms like swelling and pain in the extremities. In severe cases, where a varicose vein ruptures or develops to form skin ulcers, your doctor may recommend laser treatment.
Can laser treatment cure varicose veins?
Laser surgery can effectively treat varicose veins. The procedure involves using a high-intensity beam of light to reduce enlarged, bulging veins that are observed usually on the calves or thighs.
How does the procedure work?
The heat emitted from the laser damages a vein, which causes scar tissues to form. This scar tissue shrinks and closes the vein. A closed vein gradually loses its source of blood and dies. After some time, usually in a year or two, the vein disappears on its own.
Two types of laser surgery are performed, namely
Simple Laser Treatment This is done on the outer layers of your skin. It can cure small varicose veins and spider veins under the skin surface. Normally, more than one session, scheduled every 6-12 weeks is needed. Endovenous Laser Treatment This particular procedure is used to cure large varicose veins that appear on the legs. The steps of the procedure are as follows Your healthcare provider will administer local anaesthesia to numb the area. You may be provided with an eyeglass to protect your eyes The surgeon will make a small incision on the skin and pass a laser fibre through a catheter into the veins while closely monitoring the vein on a screen As he/she pulls out the catheter, the length of the vein will heat up and shrink, and eventually close
This outpatient procedure is less painful than stripping and litigation. It has a shorter recovery period and can be performed under local anaesthesia or mild sedatives.
What to Expect
After the laser treatment, you can walk around without much complication. The recovery period is typically brief. You can expect to return to your daily activities following simple laser surgery. However, you might need to wear a compression stocking for a week or so after the endovenous laser procedure. You may notice redness, bruising or burns on the skin after the treatment. That is only normal, so you need not worry. Do follow up with your doctor to see if the vein has closed. ","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Dilip S Rajpal","medicalSpecialty":"General Surgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Varicose Veins - Ayurvedic Treatment To Get Rid Of Them!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Varicose Veins is a severe medical condition whereby the veins (mostly legs) become swollen, tortuous and dilated, i.e. the veins become varicosed. The Venous blood flows in an upward direction from the feet to the heart. There are special valves present in the veins that assist the upward flow of the blood. Fatigue, prolonged standing, menopause and a number of other factors can weaken the valves.
This affects the movement of the blood flow. As a result, some of it leaks and flows back down. The affected veins turn bluish-brown, red or blue. There also occurs dryness, leading to unbearable itching. Redness or the Red Leg syndrome is very common in case of Varicose Veins.
A number of surgical and non-surgical options are available for Varicose Veins. The Ayurvedic treatment, with its effectiveness and negligible or zero side effects, is the most sought after option.
Identifying the root cause
Accurate diagnosis is very important for effective treatment. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of the Vata (wind and space) plays a pivotal role in Varicose Veins. The role of Rakhta (blood) and Pitta (heat) cannot be neglected either. Thus, restoring the Vata balance becomes a very important part of the treatment.
The Vata balance can be easily restored by following a healthy lifestyle and having an equally healthy and nutritious diet:
Citrus fruit like Amla works miraculously to revitalise the fatigued and Varicosed vein. Include fresh fruits, whole grains (oats, millets to name a few) and proteins (milk, eggs, fish and chicken) in your diet. Drink plenty of water. Red meat and spicy foods should be strictly avoided. Garlic, onion and ginger are very beneficial. Consume them regularly. Do not indulge in rigorous exercise or walking. Never soak your feet in cold water after exercise. It can prove to be detrimental for Varicose Veins. Do not compromise on your sleep. A rejuvenated body and a relaxed mind can enhance the healing process greatly. Ayurvedic medicines and herbs for treating Varicose Veins
A number of Ayurvedic medicines are available that treats Varicose Veins very effectively:
Kaishora guggulu: Being a natural cleanser of blood, Kaishora guggulu is an obvious choice for Varicose Veins. Sarivadyasava: It goes a long way to detoxify the blood naturally. Chirabilvadi kashaya: It is very effective in case of haemorrhoids. Sahacharadi: It is amazing herbal oil that provides great relief. Tender application of Sahacharadi over the varicosed vein/ veins can work wonders. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Brhami go a long way to restore the Vata balance. Do not lose sleep over Varicose Veins. The best and most effective Ayurvedic Treatment is just a click away.
PCOD or Polycystic Ovary disease is one of the most common hormonal disorders faced by women today. The trigger for PCOD varies from person to person, and can range from poor diet and stress to fluctuating insulin and hormonal disturbances. PCOD patients have an enlarged ovary with a number of small follicular cysts. If you or a loved one has PCOD, here are a few things you should know.
Acknowledge the symptoms PCOD is hard to diagnose. Some of its symptoms are irregular periods, high insulin levels, abnormal hair growth, low thyroid, acne, obesity and high blood pressure. Checkups at regular intervals are needed to confirm a PCOD diagnosis. A change in lifestyle is the best form of medication
Medication for PCOD addresses its symptoms. For example, you could take medication to correct Insulin resistance or pills to control acne and hair growth. However, a lifestyle change in the form of a well balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for PCOD patients. In terms of diet, PCOD sufferers should have lesser carbohydrates and sugars, and increased amounts of fiber and protein. Exercise helps control weight and the balance between male and female hormones. PCOD patients also need to find ways to lower their stress levels. Yoga and meditation can be very helpful to this effect. Without this, no medication will be effective. If left untreated PCOD can lead to many other problems
Diagnosing PCOD is difficult and even when diagnosed, regular checkups are essential for PCOD. When left unchecked, PCOD can lead to many more problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even endometrial cancer. PCOD can also result in difficulties at the time of conception and lead to miscarriages if not treated properly.
You can have a baby even if you have PCOD A PCOD diagnosis can make it hard to get pregnant, but does not limit your ability to conceive a healthy baby. If the patient has fertility problems because of PCOD, doctors often prescribe treatments to stimulate the ovaries into producing more eggs. Women with PCOD are often recommended to plan an early pregnancy, as advancing age adds to the limited capacity of the ovaries. Lastly, know that you aren't alone and PCOD should not embarrass you. Instead of bottling up your feelings and thoughts, find supportive friends and family members that you can talk to. You can also find support online through a number of discussion forums. Or contact us for a private consultation.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.(Vaidya) V.R. Shastri","medicalSpecialty":"Ayurvedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Varicose Veins - Articles & Health Tips, Questions & Answers, Advice From Top Doctors, Health Experts | Lybrate
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged superficial veins that typically appear in the feet and legs. For many people, the condition is simply a cosmetic concern while for others varicose veins include symptoms like swelling, discomfort and aching.
What Causes Varicose Veins? Doctors believe that damaged or weak valves may cause varicose veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of the body and the veins send it back to your heart for recirculation. The ...more
MBBS, Basic Life Support (B.L.S), more
General Physician•Delhi
Thank you for connecting with me, I will be happy to address your concern however, as with any procedure, it does carry some risk and may cause side effects. It sounds as if the vein has become clotted as a result of the foam sclerotherapy. This can happen and is a normal reaction to foam in a varicose vein. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in detail and suggest a proper treatment plan for you.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Whatever nutrients or toxins these bleaching lotion contains, these toxins actually hampers the glow of your skin. These toxins even cause blemishes, discoloration, redness, breakouts in skin. Massage with herbal oils like manjishtha-chandandanadi tailam (you can contact for the oil) it shows visible results within few days. Oil with the infusion of these herbs has the property of rejuvenation of new skin cells. Apply chandan lodhradi face pack which contains herbs like manjishtha, k...more
MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, more
Hello- varicocele can be completely cured by the help of ayurveda. Male infertility and varicocele (also known as pampiniform plexus) has been a painful factor for men and majority of men undergoes different battles when diagnose with varicocele disorder. Previously varicocele have been causing serious disappointment for men at their ability to enjoy fatherhood, while other men went through terrible disturbing pains, discomfort and unable to enjoy sexual fulfilment. However, the good news is...more
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship more
General Surgeon•Lucknow
Varicose Veins is a condition in which an individual s veins become swollen and warped or twisted, which is visible on the skin. This condition most often is prevalent in the legs but can occur in any part of the body. Varicose Veins is a common medical condition with a few symptoms and signs. It affects the skin tone and texture for which some people undergo a treatment.
These symptoms might not affect the person seriously, but they can get severe depending upon different conditions....more
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship more
General Surgeon•Mumbai
Varicose veins are superficial, swollen, enlarged and twisting veins, often appearing dark purple or blue on the feet and legs. The condition occurs when blood through the veins flow in the wrong direction and starts accumulating.
Although varicose veins is not a serious condition, you should seek treatment if it causes symptoms like swelling and pain in the extremities. In severe cases, where a varicose vein ruptures or develops to form skin ulcers, your doctor may recommend laser trea...more
Varicose Veins is a severe medical condition whereby the veins (mostly legs) become swollen, tortuous and dilated, i.e. the veins become varicosed. The Venous blood flows in an upward direction from the feet to the heart. There are special valves present in the veins that assist the upward flow of the blood. Fatigue, prolonged standing, menopause and a number of other factors can weaken the valves.
This affects the movement of the blood flow. As a result, some of it leaks and flows bac...more
Book appointment with top doctors for Varicose Veins treatment